Alcibiades Argyropoulos b. 1815 d. 4 3月 1886

出典: Rodovid JA

氏族(誕生時) Argyropoulos
性別 男性
氏名(誕生時) Alcibiades Argyropoulos

w Iácobos Argyrópoulos [Argyropoulos] b. 1774 d. 1850

Maria Soutzos [Soutzos] b. 1759? d. 2月 1846


1815 誕生: Fener, Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire

4 3月 1886 死亡: Corfu, Ionian Islands, Kingdom of Greece


Michael Soutzos
誕生: 1729, Istanbul, at this time : Phanar, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
結婚: Sebastia Callimachi
叙位: 1783 - 1786, Prince of Wallachia
叙位: 1791 - 1793, Prince of Wallachia
叙位: 1793 - 1795, Prince of Moldavia
叙位: 1801 - 1802, Prince of Wallachia
死亡: 1803, Transylvania (Romania)
Grégoire Kallimachis
誕生: 1735
結婚: Hélène Mavrocordato
叙位: 1761 - 1764, князь (господарь) Молдавии
叙位: 1767 - 1769, князь (господарь) Молдавии
死亡: 29 8月 1769, Стамбул, Osmanisches Reich
Alexander Callimachi
誕生: 1737
死亡: 12 12月 1821, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
Iácobos Argyrópoulos
誕生: 1774, Istanbul, Fener
結婚: Maria Soutzos , Istanbul, Phanar
死亡: 1850, Athènes
Gregory Soutzos
誕生: 1771
叙位: Caimacan of Wallachia
結婚: Sebastia Dudescu
叙位: 1792, Capuhikaya of Wallachia
死亡: 1836, Budapest, Hungary
Maria Soutzos
誕生: 1759?, Istanbul, Phener
結婚: Iácobos Argyrópoulos , Istanbul, Phanar
死亡: 2月 1846, Athènes
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Periklís Argyrópoulos
誕生: 1810, Istanbul, Fener
死亡: 16 12月 1860, Athènes
Manolis Argyropoulos
誕生: < 1812, Fener, Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
結婚: Semiramis Photiou
死亡: 1887, Istanbul, Istanbul Vilayet, Ottoman Empire
Sebastia Argyropoulou
誕生: 10月 1806, Fener, Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
死亡: 1883, Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece
Alcibiades Argyropoulos
誕生: 1815, Fener, Istanbul, Istanbul Eyalet, Ottoman Empire
死亡: 4 3月 1886, Corfu, Ionian Islands, Kingdom of Greece
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