Eleanor Sinclair b. 1457? d. 21 3月 1518

出典: Rodovid JA

氏族(誕生時) Sinclair
性別 女性
氏名(誕生時) Eleanor Sinclair
他の名前 Eleanor Sinclair

William Sinclair (1st Earl of Caithness) [Sinclair] b. 1410? d. 1484?

Marjory Sutherland (Sinclair) [Sutherland]


1457? 誕生:

子供の誕生: Elizabeth Stewart [Stewart]

結婚: John Stewart (1st Earl of Atholl) [Stewart] b. 1440? d. 15 9月 1512

1470? 子供の誕生: John Stewart (2nd Earl of Atholl) [Stewart] b. 1470? d. 1545?

21 3月 1518 死亡:


Henry Sinclair (2nd Earl of Orkney)
誕生: 1375
叙位: 2nd Earl of Orkney
結婚: Егідія Дуглас (of Nithsdale)
死亡: 1 2月 1420
Alexander (Александр) Sutherland
RESI: of Dunbeath
叙位: Master of Sutherland(мастер Сазерленда)
死亡: 1456, умер ранее отца
John Sinclair (of Kirkton)
叙位: Lord Shetland
死亡: 1418
Elizabeth Douglas
誕生: 1385
結婚: William Sinclair (1st Earl of Caithness)
叙位: 1401, Princesse d'Albany
結婚: John Stewart de Buchan
叙位: 1420, Comtesse de Buchan
死亡: 1451
William Sinclair (1st Earl of Caithness)
誕生: 1410?
叙位: барон Рослина
結婚: Marjory Sutherland (Sinclair)
結婚: Elizabeth Douglas
叙位: 1422 - 1470, 3-й граф Оркни
叙位: 1454 - 1456, Lord Chancellor of Scotland(лорд-канцлер Шотландии)
軍役: 1454 - 1456, лорд-адмирал Шотландии
叙位: 1455 - 1476, 1st Lord Sinclair(1-й лорд Синклера)
叙位: 1455 - 1476, 1st Earl of Caithness(1-й граф Кейтнесс)
死亡: 1484?
== 3 ==
William Sinclair (the Waster)
叙位: 2nd Earl of Caithness
結婚: Mary Keith (Sinclair)
死亡: 1513
John Stewart (1st Earl of Atholl)
誕生: 1440?, Fife
結婚: Eleanor Sinclair
死亡: 15 9月 1512, Perthshire, Laighwood
== 3 ==
Elizabeth de Moravia (Gordon)
叙位: 10th Countess of Sutherland
Joan de Moravia (Sutherland)
叙位: 9th Earl of Sutherland
死亡: 1514
