
出典: Rodovid JA

The World Is Closer Than It Seems. Get to Know People Better. Stay with Rodovid

[編集] お知らせ

[編集] 匿名での編集ができなくなりました!



[編集] Rodovidの登録件数が、350,000人分を突破


[編集] About

Rodovid は、フリーな多言語系譜(家計図)ポータル。誰でも編集、追加できます。

Rodovidのユーザーは、このサイトのRodovid Engineという仕組みをつかって、血縁関係の相関図(たとえば、自分や有名人の家計図)をオンラインで作成できます。登録された相関関係をもとに、何世代にもわたる先祖や祖先の系譜が一覧できます。

Rodovid is powered by the MediaWiki content management system (the same is used by Wikipedia), which allows those familiar with it to work with content at ease.

More detailed information about Rodovid is available at the About Rodovid page.


[編集] 統計

現在?人の個人に関する記録と?件の家族に関する記録がRodovid のデータベースに登録されており、このうち日本語ローカライズには、?人と ?の家族が登録されています。

[編集] 系譜の実例

[編集] 有名人

  • チェ・ゲバラの父方の祖母は、アイルランド系だということを知っていますか? 彼の系譜をみて見よう。
  • Did you know that the name Vincent was very popular in the family of the famous Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh? Learn more from his grandfather's family tree.
  • Do you like classical music? If so, you might be interested in having a look at the genealogy of the Austrian Strauss family of composers.
  • Take a look at this huge family tree (may take a few minutes to load) linking royal families in Europe. There are currently 44 generations listed starting from the ancient rulers of the Kyiv Rus and ending with the children of Princess Diana and Prince Charles.

If you feel like contributing to the development of the above-mentioned trees, please, do. Your effort will be appreciated by our growing community!

[編集] Users' Trees